Accessibility Policy
      It is this policy that persons with disabilities have full and equal opportunity to benefit from the goods, services, privileges, advantages, and accommodations offered through both customer-facing and internal websites, mobile sites, and native apps. It is also the policy that its websites, mobile sites, and native apps provide effective communication with persons with disabilities, and that individuals with disabilities are not excluded from them by our policies, standards, criteria, or methods of administration.
      This policy applies to all new, updated, and existing Web and mobile content found and all content provided internally.
      No later than {May 1, 2020], it will publish an accessibility statement on its client facing websites, mobile sites, and apps and will provide a notice, prominently linked from the homepage, soliciting feedback from visitors on how accessibility can be improved. They will provide a means to contact the company by phone or email to provide feedback or obtain additional assistance when required.
      The site will ensure that websites, mobile sites, and apps being implemented will be compliant by November 1, 2019.
      In addition, the net will notify all third-party content providers of this Web Accessibility and will not enter into contracts with third-party providers who cannot provide content in an appropriate format consistent with this policy unless it finds that no equivalent content is available in an accessible format. It websites, mobile sites, and apps will be reviewed internally to determine whether they continue to meet the requirements of this Policy, and will promptly correct any deficiencies in accessibility found by such audits.
      The site will provide accessibility training to internal teams when needed to ensure the awareness and knowledge of Web accessibility developer techniques.
      Occasionally we provide links on our websites to other sites we think you will enjoy. These sites operate independently of us and have established their own privacy and security policies. For the best online experience, we strongly encourage you to review these policies at any site you visit. We are not responsible for the content or practices of any linked websites which are provided solely for the convenience and information of our visitors.